BRIEF > Create a logotype for the restaurant La Ruelle in Uppsala.
BACKGROUND > La Ruelle is a restaurant inspired by french bistro’s and wine bars, situated in an alley in Uppsala. The name La Ruelle even translates to the small street or the alley. But it’s not the easiest to find.
SOLUTION > A logotype inspired by the restaurant’s location as well as french bistro’s and their typography.
The logotype is inspired by the restaurants name and location, creating a small alley. The font is influenced by type used by classic french bistros and restaurants. For items that can be found outside of the restaurant, like business cards, the logo will be more detailed including street names and a dot marking out the restaurant. When at the restaurant, the original logo as well as simpler version only made out of type can be used.
The previous owner of the restaurant had made the decision to renovate the big window, creating two windows divided by a black window trim. This made impossible to place the logo in the middle of the window. So instead we made the window trim a part of the logo, letting it take the alleys place.